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Hair Extensions

Hair extensions can be added onto your own hair by means of Weaving, Mico Rings, EuroLocs, Link, Beads, Fusion, Bonding, Tape and Clip Ins. Hair Extensions will enhance your natural beauty, giving you long, beautiful hair in just hours.!


There are so many different hair extensions applications methods available on the market today that it can seem overwhelming! Weavers will let you know of the hair extension method(s) and  provide you with the best for your hair type. I have created this guide to provide you with a better insight to some of the most popular hair extensions types out there. Hair extensions is a great way of enhancing your look- but always make sure that the method you choose will not compromise the health of your natural hair.


Hair extensions are a popular and effective way to add volume and length to your hair instantly. Both celebrities and individuals alike are choosing to enhance their beauty with hair extensions to create gorgeous hair. While extensions can be installed relatively quickly and removed easily, they do require some basic care and maintenance to keep them looking their best.


Weavers will provide you with a care and maintenance plan tailored to your situation, however the following information is also provided as a reference to supplement her knowledge and advice. Issues such as tangles, bond failure, dryness and shedding can almost always be attributed to poor maintenance, colouring or incorrect care and as such should be discussed with Velvet should they occur.


Hair care products:

It is important to select the correct hair care products to use with your extensions, as the wrong products may dry out, entangle or otherwise damage your extensions and bonds.


A gentle shampoo and conditioner are essential for proper care of hair extensions. Sodium Chloride free shampoo and conditioners are preferable. Serums,  smoothing products and Morocco Argan Oil are helpful to add smoothness and shine to mid lengths to ends. Regular hair treatments can help add moisture.  Be careful with using products/heat on attachment points/bonds.


Washing hair:

Hair should not be washed more frequently than every second day. Hair washed too frequently will tend to dry out quickly.


When hair extensions have been installed using the heat method or tape method, hair should not be washed for 48 hours afterwards, to allow for the bonds to set.


Before washing or wetting your hair it is important that you brush your hair first. A loop brush or extension brush designed for extensions should be used.


Start at the bottom of your hair and work your way up when brushing. Brushing your hair prior to washing is essential, otherwise you could be adding water to a knot which can be impossible to get out


Wash your hair in a downward motion, with your head upright allowing water to flow downwards. Do NOT wash your hair upside down.


Apply shampoo and gently stroke in a downwards motion being careful not to “rub or scrub” excessively. Rinse hair well, again in a downward motion.  Apply conditioner according to Instructions, avoiding attachment points. The hair can be gently combed with a wide tooth comb from the bottom up at this point.  Again, rinse in a downward motion


Hair is cleansed on the roots. Conditioner is for the mid lengths to ends.

Gently blot hair with a towel to absorb excess moisture and let it air dry for 10  minutes or so before using a blowaver. Alternatively, let the hair completely air dry.


It isn’t necessary always to wash your entire head of hair when only your top of your head may be oily. Here is a “tip” to save time blow-drying …. "Put your extensions in a low pony tail to the back, and then while leaning your head under a tap proceed to only wash the top of your head avoiding the extension hair all together."


Heated appliances:

Never use heated irons on wet hair. Heat can damage both your own hair and hair extensions. A heat protection spray should always be used prior to using heated appliances.  Heated appliances should be set on the lowest temperature possible. Care should be taken particularly at the ends with straighteners as hair is thinnest here and can easily be burned as there is less hair between the heating plates which increases the relative temperature of the irons on the hair. Bonds should not be touched with heated irons.


Burned hair cannot be repaired.

You can dry your hair as you normally would, though an ionic hair dryer is best.


Colouring and Chemical products:

Any type of colouring or chemical treatment will be detrimental to the condition of your extensions and bonds and is not recommended. If you are going to colour your own hair it is better to do this prior to having extensions installed and matching the extensions to the desired hair colour.


Highlights/lowlights can be created with extensions using contrasting colours:

Should you decide to go ahead and colour your 100% human hair extensions, it is essential you check your hairdresser/colourist is experienced with colouring extensions and is aware of the difference between colouring hair in its natural state and colouring hair extensions.  Hair extensions have gone through several chemical processes during manufacture such as sterilizing, lightening and colouring.  Because of this it is essential colour principals/rules are followed as well as additional consideration being given to the chemical process the extensions have previously gone through.


General Colour Principals which are particularly relevant to hair extensions are:

  • Do a strand test prior to colouring, every time, to ensure desired result will be achieved.

  • Lightening extensions is not recommended as generally they have already been pre-lightened during processing.

  • When a darker shade is desired on extensions with a colour level from 6 through to 10, red or gold pigment should also be added to the mix for filling. If pigment is not added, there is a danger of a green reflect showing through.  If you decide to colour without pigment being added, and the result was a green reflect, do not try and lift this, as the process will reverse and the result would be a pink effect.

  • Strength of developer used normally ranges from 1.5%, 3% & 6%, with higher strengths being avoided as they can excessively damage the extensions.


Daily Maintenance:

Your hair needs to be brushed using a loop brush at least twice a day. If not, you will notice matting, breakage etc.


Brushing starts from the bottom up. If you start any higher in your head you will just be brushing more hair into a previously started knot. A hand can be placed palm down on the bonds and the other hand on the brush to support the bonds to avoid excessive shedding. As your hair grows brushing will be an important part of your maintenance.


Serums and smoothing products are also helpful for mid lengths to ends.


Swimming, chlorine and salt water can cause hair extensions to get tangled and matted and can damage bonds as can “hard water” and HOT water temperature.


Tie back your hair in windy conditions and braid it at night to avoid tangles.


Extremes such as freezing conditions can also be detrimental to bonds/hair.



Cutting and Thinning:

Hair extensions are often cut horizontally after application to neaten the ends.   When having extensions cut be sure your hairdresser is aware of the proper methods to use.



Never go to bed with wet hair. It is a good idea for both your hair and face to invest in a silk pillowcase. It is also suggested that you wear a low braid with a soft scrunchie so that your hair doesn't get tangled. Don't forget to brush hair before bed.


Hair Grades 101
Cuticle Remy Hair: This hair will be very silky, smooth and have a very good drop. Use your hand to touche the hair back and forth in both directions. If it is real cuticle remy, it will feel very smooth from the root to the tip, with little frictional feeling from tip to root. This hair is not too soft or thin because it is not processed in an acid bath. You also can test the tension with your natural hair, it should be almost same. Another tool is to use a microscope, you will be able to easily find out if the cuticles exist or not. This is the highest quality/grade hair available to anyone, including the highest end salons.

Remy hair: This hair will be very silky, smooth with a very good drop. This hair should also follow the same direction. You can check the hair color. If it is remy hair, the tip should be a little bit darker than the root. Also this hair is a little softer and thinner than cuticle remy hair because it is processed in an acid bath to remove the cuticles to avoid tangling. Because of this, it can feel and look less natural than cuticle remy hair even though it is still human hair. "Remy hair" is a term often over-used on the hair market today. Be careful, as "remy hair" could be used to label just about anything these days.

Non Remy hair: This hair is not silky and smooth when compared to the above remy hair. Because the hair sheds naturally, you will find black dots on the end of hair when you put the hair on a white background. Many manufacturers sell this hair as remy hair. They cut off the black dots, if you check it carefully on both ends, you will see the hair is Non-Remy. Another way to test the quality is to wash and style. The non remy hair will be frizzy, dry and break easily after just a few times.

Single drawn hair is when the individual strands of hair are of different lengths just like our natural hair. Single drawn hair is less expensive.

Double drawn hair is when all the individual strands of hair are the same length. In other words the hair has been sorted into lengths before bonded together or most of the short strands have been removed. This type of hair is more expensive but it's much thicker than single drawn hair and it's thick top to tip rather than having thinned out end like most extensions you find in other stores.



It is very important that you treat your hair extensions as an investment. This means that if you want the "life" out of your hair you need to take good care of it. Always follow instructions given by Velvet - your professional installer and talk to her about any questions you may have.


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